Women’s Ministry
Our Mission Statement:
To create a forum for women to meet and learn about each other in a no-pressure environment, to exchange our struggles, knowledge, abilities and talents, to celebrate personal and group successes, and to nurture each other in sustaining full, rich growth in the Orthodox faith.
Our Vision Statement:
A cohesive group of women meeting every other month to support and validate each other, while strengthening relationships with each other in the Orthodox faith.
We’ll meet every other month for lunch, to make new friends, to learn about and encourage each other and, most of all, to build each other up as sisters in Christ.
If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact lead Athena Vasilatos (480-242-6658), co-lead Jackie Bafaloukos (480-205-2644) or co-lead Jen Duran (704-989-4114).