Books & Resources



  • The Orthodox Faith, Worship, and Life: Orthodox Catechism: An Outline. Hiermonk Gregorios. Newrome Press. 2020.

  • Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity. Fedrica Mathewes-Green. Paraclete Press. 2nd Printing 2016.

  • Know the Faith: A Handbook for Orthodox Christians and Inquirers. Rev. Michael Shanbour. Ancient Faith Publishing. 2016.


  • Blueprints for the Little Church: Creating an Orthodox Home. Elissa Bjeletich & Caleb Shoemaker. Ancient Faith Publishing. 2016.

  • Orthodox Christian Parenting: Cultivating God’s Creation. Zoe Press. 2012.

  • Conversations with Children: Communicating our Faith: Sister Magdalen. Stavropegix Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Essex. 2001.

  • Children in the Church Today: An Orthodox Perspective. Sister Magdalen. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1997.


  • Building an Orthodox Marriage: A Practical Commentary on the Eastern Orthodox Marriage Rite. Bishop John Abdalah and Nicholas G. Mamey. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2017.

    Glory and Honor: Orthodox Christian Resources on Marriage. David C. Ford, Mary S. Ford, and Alfred Kentigern Siewers, editors. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2016.

Misc. Resources

For more selections, please reach out to the church office or Fr. Timothy.